Make- Up: Aupres Lively Finish Powdery Foundation

Friday, February 18, 2011 por | | |
 Aupres oc 20- RMB260

Aupres by Sheseido Laboratories, Japan

You will love Aupres by Shiseido. The make up leaves a clean, smooth finish. Flawless is the keyword. Sad that it's only available in China and no place else. And it's not cheap. 

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

Title: MASSIVE ATTACK Paradise Circus - Heligoland 2010

VDO scenes from The Fall, a movie by Tarsem Singh, 2006. The official video can't be shown on youtube (on porntube probably)
To see the official one, if you're over 18yo (EXPLICIT CONTENT) :­rcus/
And sorry but I didn't cut this one, I wish I did! It was broadcasted in France to promote Massive Attack album on radios websites and related.
I strongly believe this video comes from EMI, some kind of an unofficial-official, as the original one couldn't be used to promote the band.

AUDIO Heligoland, Massive Attack (EMI). The 5th album of this British group was highly anticipated. It marks the return of Horace Andy with 3D and Daddy G. Jamaican singer had already collaborated on four albums by Massive Attack. The group of trip-hop has worked with Damon Albarn, Guy Garvey, Elbow, but Adrian Utley of Portishead.
Heligoland, de Massive Attack (Emi). Le 5e album de ce groupe britannique était très attendu. Il marque le retour dHorace Andy auprès de 3D et de Daddy G. le chanteur jamaïcain avait déjà collaboré à quatre albums de Massive Attack. Le groupe de trip-hop a travaillé avec Damon Albarn, Guy Garvey, dElbow, mais aussi Adrian Utley, de Portishead.

Title: Improvement for Tri-Cities commuters / Amélioration pour les banlieusards de trois villes

2 September 2010 / 2 septembre 2010

Investments in public transit are good for the environment, great for commuters, and they make life easier for working families. We want to make sure people get to their home and to their families at the end of a workday as quickly and as safely as possible. / Les investissements dans le transport en commun sont bons pour l'environnement et pour les voyageurs de banlieue, et aussi pour les familles de travailleurs. Nous voulons nous assurer que les gens reviennent chez eux et auprès de leur famille le plus rapidement et le plus sûrement possible après leur journée de travail.


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