Bush Beans

Friday, January 28, 2011 por | | |

Mondays and Tuesdays are my busiest days.  I did manage to get outside for a brief period of time to plant some bush beans.  

I purchased a package of a Burpee bush bean mix that contains three varieties: greensleeves (green), royal burgundy (purple), and super wax (yellow). They will all turn green when cooked, but I like that they are different colors.  I'm planting bush beans because I don't want to have to find something for them to climb on. I will also probably plant some scarlet runner beans along my picket fence because they have such pretty flowers. 

Bush beans need to be planted about 3 inches apart.  The space from the base of my thumb to the knuckle in my index finger is about 3 inches, so that's how I measured the planting distance.

I poked a hole in the soil with the tip of my index finger. Then, I planted the beans about an inch deep. I forgot to add a light sprinkle of inoculant, but it's not absolutely necessary.  Since I am planting a couple of bean plants every week for several weeks to ensure continuous harvest, I'll try to remember to add the inoculant next time.

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

Title: Growing Vegetables by Seed Propagation : Growing Tender Green Bush Beans

Growing Tender Green Bush beans allows you to harvest about 55 days after planting the seeds. Learn how to grow Tender Green Bush beans from seed in this plant propagation video.

Stan DeFreitas
Contact: www.mrgt.net
Bio: Stan DeFreitas, also known as "Mr. Green Thumb", has experience as an urban horticulturist working for the Pinellas County Extension Service and has taught horticulture at the St. Petersburg College.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz



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