Lazy Bear

Friday, January 28, 2011 por | | |

Lazy BearSo cute! Laze around little bear, I bet it's so comfy there on your vegetable bed but for sure in a while, that bed will be all cleaned out. Watch out for the big bites!

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

Title: A Lazy Bear Weekend

Thousands of men from around the world gather every summer in the forest town of Guernville in Northern California for a week of dancing, drinking beer and just being with men. But what qualifies a guy to be a bear?

Title: Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow - 5 - Lazy Bear

In this part we will fight the boss Lazy Bear (he killed me on the first try ... e_e)
and we will find Destroy .... (he is damn ugly e_e)
and end 1 quest, the other one I will record later \o

Dragon: lvl 8 (hero)
Minotaur: lvl 7 (Fushira)
Phoenix: lvl 7 (Shu)


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