Animal Cupcakes

Thursday, April 7, 2011 por | | |

Animal CupcakesNot only in zoos that we can get to see these cute animals or out there in the wild. Here are some baked animal cupcakes for your kiddos. These cupcakes are way too cute!

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Title: Decorating Cupcakes: #26 Fluffy Sheep

Found these in the Martha Stewart Cupcake book. You can make several of these and put them in a little corral made with popsicle sticks or toothpicks. These may be suitable for a baby shower or birthday if made with other animal cupcakes.
Cute and easy.
Music by: Jason Shaw

Title: Animal cupcakes with fondant

i made these cupcakes with orange buttercream filling then topped them with fondant to make them into animals they went down a storm with the kids.


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