Garlicky Roasted Green Beans

Sunday, February 6, 2011 por | | |

Green beans are very delicious and even though I love to eat them, I realized that I have never cooked them myself! I was preparing a winter season meal and green beans seem very winter season to me. I used haricot green beans and they still maintained their crispness while taking on a strong garlic flavor. These were served with pecan crusted salmon and pumpkin biscuits and I shared the leftovers with some roasted chicken. It's fair to say these green beans are a wonderful accompaniment to pretty much anything. I added some lemon zest for fun and more for appearance but it actually added a lovely punch and I'd like to add more lemon zest next time, or perhaps orange zest. I used a bag of frozen green beans which I just let sit out for a while, until they are soft enough to absorb oil and garlic.

Garlicky Roasted Green Beans

1 lb green beans
1 shallot, diced
6 cloves garlic, diced
Olive oil
Zest of one half a lemon
Freshly ground pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Place the beans on a pan and drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle the shallots and garlic on top and toss the beans around to incorporate.
2. Bake for 30-40 minutes, until tender and then mix in the lemon zest and serve.

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Title: Halloween Garlic Mash Potato Boats

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Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!

This recipe is sure to scare away any vampires lurking in your neighborhood but will have you coming for seconds! Try it next time when you are in need of a great side dish with a garlicky twist! =)

Servings: Makes 6 potato boats.


2 lbs Yukon potatoes and ½ lb sweet potatoes (peeled and cut into pieces)

3 Russet potatoes (clean)

3 tbsp green onions (chopped)

½ cup whole milk

2 tbsp butter (unsalted and cut into thin squares)

Salt and pepper (to taste)

5 large cloves roasted garlic

8 oz cream cheese (room temperature)

Title: "LITSON MANOK!!"(ROASTED CHICKEN) Ang Doc's Litson!! :-D

my own way to prepare ROASTED CHICKEN!!
just marinated with salt and hot chilli,minced garlic to have that hot spicy and garlicky taste!!


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